The Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus was created by Prof. emer., Dr. Erik Stubkjær, Department of Planning, Aalborg University, Denmark, and Prof. Dr. Volkan Cagdas, Department of Geomatics, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey.
Our scientific endeavors began with Doctoral research on cadastral development, 2009, a review
of the then available Ph.D. dissertations in the English language.
The release of the ISO/DIS 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) in
2011 provided sufficient basis for the initial version of CaLAThe. Modelling of
the core domain continued in terms of An Application Domain Extension to CityGML.. (Volkan, 2013)
and Core immovable property vocabulary for European linked land
administration (2015). The thesaurus was presented through A SKOS vocabulary for Linked Land Administration: Cadastre and
Land Administration Thesaurus (2015).
The Open Geospatial Consortium, OGC, in 2015 issued a candidate LandInfra Conceptual Model to incorporate an existing
LandXML schema into the OGC's standards base. The developed conceptual model refers to the above research, and prompted
a further version of CaLAThe, cf. Version 3 intro.
The web presentation of the thesaurus was prepared by Prof. Dr. Burak Akpinar, Yildiz Technical University.