CaLAThe term

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Boundary survey and marking

Alternative label:

Broader terms:

Narrower terms:
Boundary rectification
Boundary re-measurement
Survey monument establishment

Related terms:

An Activity of placing and surveying Boundary marks representing the location of a Boundary of a Cadastral parcel, and documenting the Activity.

Scope Note:


In other Languages:
Danish: Afmærkning og indmåling af ske
Turkish: Sınırlandırma ve ölçme
Malay: Penandaan dan pengukuran sempa
Dutch: -

CaLAThe_Ver5 Boundary Boundary Boundary mark Boundary mark Boundary->Boundary mark Fixed boundary Fixed boundary Boundary->Fixed boundary General boundary General boundary Boundary->General boundary LA_Boundary LA_Boundary Boundary->LA_Boundary alternative label Land division Land division Land division->Boundary