CaLAThe term

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Alternative label:
National survey and cadastre

Broader terms:
Cadastral system

Narrower terms:
Cadastral map

Related terms:

A parcel-based land information system that includes a geometric description of land parcels, usually represented on a cadastral map. In some jurisdictions it is considered separate from, but linked to, the register of land rights and holders of those rights (land registry), while in other jurisdictions the cadastre and land registry are fully integrated (Source: Adopted from FAO, 2002).

Scope Note:
UNECE, WPLA: Guidelines, 2004. AGROVOC Multilingual Thesaurus term


Close match:
Related match:

In other Languages:
Danish: Matrikel, Matrikelregister
Turkish: Kadastro
Malay: Kadaster
Dutch: Kadaster

CaLAThe_Ver5 Survey mark Survey mark Control point monument Control point monument Survey mark->Control point monument Control point Control point Control point monument->Control point related Survey monument Survey monument Control point monument->Survey monument alternative label