CaLAThe_Ver7 Activity Activity Exchange Exchange Activity->Exchange Transaction Transaction Activity->Transaction alternative label Registration Registration Activity->Registration alternative label Property formation Property formation Activity->Property formation Transfer Transfer Activity->Transfer Conveyance Conveyance Exchange->Conveyance Lease Lease Exchange->Lease Rent Rent Exchange->Rent Mortgaging Mortgaging Exchange->Mortgaging Forced sale Forced sale Exchange->Forced sale Easement creation Easement creation Exchange->Easement creation Condominium acquisition Condominium acquisition Conveyance->Condominium acquisition Sale Sale Conveyance->Sale alternative label Purchase Purchase Conveyance->Purchase alternative label Parcel acquisition Parcel acquisition Conveyance->Parcel acquisition Change of property unit type Change of property unit type Property formation->Change of property unit type Cadastral activity Cadastral activity Property formation->Cadastral activity alternative label Transfer of part of property Transfer of part of property Property formation->Transfer of part of property Amalgamation Amalgamation Property formation->Amalgamation Subdivision Subdivision Property formation->Subdivision Property restructuring Property restructuring Property formation->Property restructuring Superficie object establishment Superficie object establishment Property formation->Superficie object establishment Parcel establishment Parcel establishment Property formation->Parcel establishment Condominium subdivision Condominium subdivision Change of property unit type->Condominium subdivision Reallotment Reallotment Transfer of part of property->Reallotment Subdivision->Condominium subdivision Boundary survey and marking Boundary survey and marking Subdivision->Boundary survey and marking Boundary rectification Boundary rectification Boundary survey and marking->Boundary rectification Boundary re-measurement Boundary re-measurement Boundary survey and marking->Boundary re-measurement Survey monument establishment Survey monument establishment Boundary survey and marking->Survey monument establishment Adjudication Adjudication Boundary survey and marking->Adjudication Land consolidation Land consolidation Property restructuring->Land consolidation Land readjustment Land readjustment Property restructuring->Land readjustment Expropriation Expropriation Property restructuring->Expropriation Land consolidation->Reallotment Land readjustment->Reallotment Gift Gift Transfer->Gift Inheritance Inheritance Transfer->Inheritance Partition Partition Transfer->Partition Prescriptive acquisition Prescriptive acquisition Transfer->Prescriptive acquisition